Marquee Marquee

Applet Description

You can add flashing lights around a plain sign board, as you would see at the entrance of a movie theater.

Parameter Information

Name Description Format Default Value
text Characters Character string SignBoard !!
board_colors Text board colors (foreground, background, and border) Color|Color|Color red|yellow|gray
font Font attributes (name, style, and size) Name|Style|Size Dialog|PLAIN|24
sound Sound URL none
sound_mode Playback sound mode once or loop once
bg_color Background color Color lightGray
pause Blink interval Milliseconds 200
href Link URL none

Applet Tag

<applet codebase="SgnBoard" code="SgnBoard.class" width=300 height=100>
<param name=text value="What's New !!">
<param name=board_colors value="">
<param name=font value="">
<param name=sound value="">
<param name=sound_mode value="">
<param name=bg_color value="">
<param name=pause value="300">
<param name=href value="">

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